Our mission statement at ZELTWANGER

Passion for technology

ZELTWANGER stands for skill, innovation, and technical solutions to the highest standard.

However, this is only possible with a consistently implemented corporate culture, which not only determines the way we work together, but is also the reason why the ZELTWANGER corporate group exists at all.

The founding vision

ZELTWANGER was born out of a conviction that there is a better way to collaborate and conduct business. This can be described in three key words that led to the foundation of ZELTWANGER in 1982 and that are still the benchmark for entrepreneurial decisions today: Passion, freedom, and harmony.

For us, passion is the basis of all successful action. Innovation and technological achievements would not be possible without passion. People who work at ZELTWANGER do this with passion and enthusiasm.

We don’t see freedom as simply throwing away the rulebook, but as an opportunity for every individual to determine their own path to achieve ideal results. The basis for this is skill, being target-focused, and real trust in every single one of our employees.

We live in harmony, both within our company as well as with greater society. Regard, respect, trust, openness, and honesty underpin our cooperation. As a company, we take social responsibility and only manufacture things that benefit people and the environment.

Our mission statement defines us

Today’s corporate group embodies a mission statement based on this founding vision, which can be summarized in a single sentence:

We are technology and innovation leaders in our industries, and we achieve this through outstanding services, real passion, and exploitation of optimal synergies.

Our responsibility is growing

History –
what has shaped us

We take

Our customers are
our focus

We provide jobs you can be passionate about

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